Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thank you Annie

Annie is a hilarious blogger/writer for the Standard Examiner. Did I mention she's hilarious? The title to her column caught my eye today.

Financial dishonesty seems tempting to many
One of the reasons I really like her is because she's down right honest...even if it hurts your feelin's a little. She's so real about everyday life and everyday issues..I love it!
Here's the link to her column http://www.standard.net/topics/opinion/2010/04/23/financial-dishonesty-seems-tempting-many I highly recommend reading it. It's not long at all.
And here is the link to her hilarious blog, http://regardingannie.wordpress.com/ also highly recommended when you don't have homework, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, work, babysitting, or sleep to do.

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