As I sit here my home looks like a tornado hit it. In a way, it did. It's name was Zayden. My makeup spread from here to next week, pen mark on my couch, videos drug out, puffs scattered all over the floor, toys laying lifeless, and pee filled diapers sitting by the garbage can. I usually try to have this cleaned up before I go to bed, but today I am breaking my own rules and leaving it. I'll feel guilty about it all night just so you know. When Dan walks in tomorrow morning and sees it I'll pretend I'm asleep, but really I'll be beating myself up wondering why I didn't just clean it up before I went to bed. Ah well.
We visited Arizona land last week. The flight is only 1 hour and 30 minutes. When we boarded the plane I realized how spoiled/crazy we are these days. For one 90 minute flight we brought: 2 IPODS, 1 PSP, 6 PSP games, 1 laptop, 1 flash drive with 3 movies on it, and two headphones. Honestly! Is it just me or is that ridiculous?! Whatever happened to reading a book,doing a word search, or getting to know your neighbor that you're awkwardly touching thighs with? The Arizona sun came out just for us. Low to upper 90's all week. Thanks for that. It reminded me of how much I LOVE having actual seasons....(hot and hotter are not seasons hun). The changing of the leaves are incredible every year. The smell of the dusty old heater turning on warms my innards (in nards...hahaha. What kind of word is that?!). Yesterday we took my nephew to the park and he crunched through the leaves, and kicked them up in the air for the first time in his 18 month life. It was awesome. I was excited for him...I can't wait to build snowmen with him! I remember one of the first times Dan saw snow falling from the sky. His eyes lit up like a kid at a candy store. I felt sad that Arizona had deprived him of something so amazing for 21 years! I will say that Arizona is a nice place to visit in late December when I'm starting to get sick of the snow though. It's a nice break from heavy ski coats and ice filled roads.
Back to the subject....this was the first year Dan and I visited his family over Halloween. We usually visit over Christmas or Thanksgiving. Dan of course dressed up.....and me,the Halloween equivalent of the grinch, did not. Boo for fun sponges! He was Where's Waldo. Total nerd. We made most of the costume too. I was quite proud of us! On Saturday night we went miniature golfing with Dan's little brother and his new found love, Kamri. We also found out that Dan's parents call it goofy golfing. Uhhhhhh. I find nothing goofy about miniature's serious stuff. Dan beat me by ONE point. That's the closest I have ever been to beating felt almost as good as winning.
On Monday we went to the cheesecake factory with Dan's parents for his mom's birthday. We didn't have cheese cake though...does that make us weird?
We got to see Dan's friends, ate at Jack in the Box way too many times, got sick (probably from the aforementioned), had family dinner, & Dan went trick or treating with some of the kids. I stayed home and dominated at Bubble Talk.....orrrr totally sucked...I can't remember.
Looks like there are some weddings in the works with the Fisher boys, so hopefully we will be get to be there for those next year!
On to other
Shaun T visited my living room last week. He's the dude from the INSANITY workout videos. His video's should be called pure and utter hell. I saw my life flash before my eyes during this workout. Don't ever do it. Never ever. Stick to Richard Simmons, he's much kinder.
Did I really just fill out a paper planning my husbands funeral "just in case"? Yes, I did. His work asked for it. It asked who would give his eulogy, what song he wants played, & what poem he wants read. It even asked who his pallbearers would be. It had too much detail. I didn't like that paper. It's going in the mail tomorrow. Let's hope we don't have to see it again for a long time! As a side note....when I googled "songs to be played at a funeral" it popped up with Rape Me by Nirvana.
We started our Bunco group the other night. SUPER FUN! I won a fall centerpiece. It's a fantastic addition to our home. Can't wait for next month!
A few weeks ago we went to a Suns game with some friends, Travis & Hillary. Of course we were rooting for the Suns in the Jazz arena. I feel so alone in that place wearing purple and cheering while every one else is silent and/or booing. I feel like the fat kid that everyone hates at recess. It's terrible. I'm not sure I knew what marrying a Suns fan completely entailed. I learned quickly though. The things we do for love!
Tomorrow is the big day for my surgery! I'm sorry, but I have seen one too many
intubations to NOT be worried about this. What if my trachea is all weird and small or something and they have to keep trying. What if they let a
Henager try to
intubate me? What if I start throwing up profusely through the tube and the suction isn't hooked up so everyone starts scrambling and trying to hook it up...meanwhile someone is bagging me, pushing all the $%#@ into my lungs.
Ok, that last one was just something I watched happen and I pray to never see it again...and you thought everything went perfect in hospitals, didn't you? Back to the surgery-it's only supposed to last 45 minutes. The scope will go through my belly button, and if any lesions are found they will be
lasered away. I'm paranoid that they aren't going to find any lesions and I'm going to wake up in the same situation I am in now....but I'll have a sore throat and a weird looking belly button to go along with it.Oh, and a bill bigger than my budget. That's the risk I take though. Everything will be fine. I feel like my doctor is competent and he seems to be very confident in his work. I cooked 3 casseroles tonight so Dan could have something to eat for the next few days while I lay in bed dreaming about having a baby. We got the
Xbox Kinect (google it) today, so I'm sure he will be out in the living room jumping around like a maniac keeping himself highly entertained. Could someone text him every few hours and remind him to check on his wife? K, thanks. ;)
I've been writing this post off and on for two weeks. It's choppy and terrible....and it has no pictures. Boo for lameness, but I must get some sleep and some house cleaning done before tomorrow.
P.S.--just so you know, whenever Dan creates an avatar of himself he always has it wear a monocle. He thinks it's hilarious...I'm secretly worried he will start wearing one when he's old.