I'm up to the grand challenge. It may only last a week (if you're lucky).
The last couple of weeks...I have to catch up:
I just realized yesterday that our anniversary is this month. That tells you how crazy my mind has been. My brain feels like a stressed out maniac...and it is. Life has been a blurr since we got home from paradise. Homework, work, homework, work, homework, work, family, friends, homework, babysitting, work, homework. That right there is the sickening reality of my life. sigh. One day I'm going to win the lottery...and if it is any less than $266 million I refuse to take it. Why? Because Dan and I sat down last night and planned out how we were going to spend all 266 millie-ano. We agreed on some stuff...like a million dollar house in Utah, Arizona, Florida, California, Mexico, and Roatan...and we argued about most of it. I mean, do we really need 60 PS3's? We agreed that after you hear the amount 266 million everything you own instantly turns into the crappiest crap ever. Your 52 inch flat screen TV you saved up for? Sucks. A TV bigger than Texas is so much better. Your RC Willey furniture? Junk. Your table you HAD to get? Throw it in the trash can on your way out to buy the Phoenix Suns. Pretty much everything you valued and worked your ace off for is worth nothing in your mind...because you have 266 million freaking dollars. Enough about this...this is supposed to be about my week, not about my oh-so-real hopes for the future.
K, so, school sucks. I'm just throwin' that out there. If there is one thing I could kill and get away with, it would be school...oh, and the moron that took 1.5 hours to change my oil in my car today-but that's besides the point. Here's the thing about school...you go to all of this work...you learn (I mean teach yourself) about fetal asphyxia, P big A O2, P little A O2, and right to left shunt. You also learn "who or what is torr" (probably one of the funnier days at SHITR)....and in the end all you have is a bunch of information rolling around in your brain, and all you want to do is kill yourself. You don't want to be a Respiratory Therapist, you want to be dead. That's all. Life isn't that easy though. You can't just voluntarily take the death pentalty when it gets hard. So Respiratory Therapist it is. One more month and I can sing up for my boards. Lets hope this whole living hell pays off, because sadly enough, that is what it has been. A nightmare that I never wish to relive. Bitter? A little.
On the brighter side of life...Zayden is getting so big. His personality is so fun (unless he is teething. yikes). His smile makes me smile. He's even starting to give hugs. Oh, and next time you see him, how about you ask him how old he is. He puts up his little index finger so cute-like, it's sure to make you saw "aww". He loves to dance, and Mexican music is his favorite. lol. Oh man he goes to dancing town in the Mexican market. No bueno! He's adorable. Sometimes you can't help but look at him and say "Oh my gosh, he is the cutest thing I have ever seen." A lady in Best Buy couldn't get over the handsome little man the other day. My sister said she just kept saying "Oh my goodneeeeessssss, he is one of the cutest kids I have ever seeeeeeen." I pray to the beauty Gods that my kids will be as cute as him.
Speaking of kids. We still have yet to accumulate one. My doctor diagnosed me with infertility without doing any tests or anything. Um, on to the next doctor I guess? Oh how we want a little baby to hold...Dan especially. One day friends, one day.
Ady came to visit us a couple of weekends ago. Can we say SASSY? Lets all say it in unison. SAAAASSSYYYY. Holy hannah. She's still adorable though and I love her to bits. Her laugh is contagious and her little voice is so innocent and sweet. She's to the stage that poop, underwear, and butts are the funniest words she has ever heard in her entire life. She talks like a 12 year old. Her vocabulary is amazing and I'm impressed at how smart she is. She LOVES animals. We took her to the baby animal days in Logan and she was in HEAVEN. She got to hold chicks, and ducks, and rabbits. Her face lit up every time she got up from holding the animal. So cute. Josh said she is in swimming lessons now and she came up to him and said "DAD, I have been practicing floating in the bath tub!!" lol. We wish we got to see her little face more, because it makes our day when we do get to see her!
Dan is going to the Jazz vs Lakers basketball game tomorrow night. Check this out, I don't have to go. Amazing, huh? He conned 7 other people into it, so I'm off the hook. What a wonderful life.
Our debit/credit card number got stolen this week. Not awesome. They bought some movies. Probably porn. Our cards and pin number have been cancelled, so it's been awesome living without money for a couple of days. People are mean, aren't they? Shame on them.
I haven't cleaned my house one time this week. Isn't that cool? My husband loves it..I just know it. I actually feel so guilty about this that I had to write him a note that said "One day I will be a good wife, just not today." How sad for him. How happy for me that I didn't have to clean.
As of this week the condo is still up for sale. If only these people knew about the loft parties they are missing out on. Come on.
Found out yesterday that Dan bought another xbox since he got banned from LIVE for doing illegal things with his xbox. Surprisingly enough I really didn't give a crap. I've got more important things to worry about, like not cleaning the house.
So there's my last couple of weeks. Stay tuned...next week is sure to be just as exciting!
One last thing....I wished all week that I was standing here....
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